Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Do not drive long distances on three hours of sleep while listening to poetry with long titles.

Hurtling through one side of the mountain
and out the other.
Not enough time to go over it?
Too many savages on top?
"Blow a fuckin hole in it!"
"We musn't cease this forward momentum,"
they said.

I fight the inevitable slow-down,
the crash.
Hurtling through the mountain at speeds
the ghosts in this place could never imagine.
Watch the lights along the roof blur into lines.

Stay awake!
Listen to her read the poetry of savage lands.
The spaces between the words give me chills,
the pauses and breaths,
the pops and clicks of the words.

High speed relaxation.
Pops and clicks,
blurry tracks of light
leading out to larger worlds.
Crack a window.
Stay awake!

Just 6 more hours.